20 This we will do to them: We will let them live, lest wrath be upon us because of the oath which we swore to them."
21 And the rulers said to them, "Let them live, but let them be woodcutters and water carriers for all the congregation, as the rulers had promised them."
22 Then Joshua called for them, and he spoke to them, saying, "Why have you deceived us, saying, 'We are very far from you,' when you dwell near us?
23 Now therefore, you are cursed, and none of you shall be freed from being slaves--woodcutters and water carriers for the house of my God."
24 So they answered Joshua and said, "Because your servants were clearly told that the Lord your God commanded His servant Moses to give you all the land, and to destroy all the inhabitants of the land from before you; therefore we were very much afraid for our lives because of you, and have done this thing.
25 And now, here we are, in your hands; do with us as it seems good and right to do to us."
26 So he did to them, and delivered them out of the hand of the children of Israel, so that they did not kill them.
27 And that day Joshua made them woodcutters and water carriers for the congregation and for the altar of the Lord, in the place which He would choose, even to this day.

La Biblia de las Américas (Español) BLA

Josué 9:20 Esto es lo que haremos con ellos: los dejaremos vivir, para que no venga sobre nosotros la ira por el juramento que les hemos hecho.

English Standard Version ESV

Joshua 9:20 This we will do to them: let them live, lest wrath be upon us, because of the oath that we swore to them."

La Biblia del Jubileo 2000 JBS

Josué 9:20 Esto haremos con ellos: les dejaremos vivir, para que no venga ira sobre nosotros a causa del juramento que les hemos hecho

King James Version KJV

Joshua 9:20 This we will do to them; we will even let them live, lest wrath be upon us, because of the oath which we sware unto them.

Nueva Traducción Viviente NTV

Josué 9:20 Lo que tenemos que hacer es dejarlos con vida, porque el enojo divino caería sobre nosotros si no cumpliéramos nuestro juramento.

Nueva Versión Internacional NVI

Josué 9:20 Esto es lo que haremos con ellos: les perdonaremos la vida, para que no caiga sobre nosotros el castigo divino por quebrantar el juramento que hicimos.

La Biblia Reina-Valera (Español) RVR

Josué 9:20 Esto haremos con ellos: les dejaremos vivir, porque no venga ira sobre nosotros á causa del juramento que les hemos hecho.

Sagradas Escrituras (1569) (Español) SEV

Josué 9:20 Esto haremos con ellos: les dejaremos vivir, para que no venga ira sobre nosotros a causa del juramento que les hemos hecho.

Herramientas de Estudio para Joshua 9:20-27