Traditions and Commandments

1 1Then Pharisees and 2scribes came to Jesus 3from Jerusalem and said,
2 4"Why do your disciples break 5the tradition of the elders? 6For they do not wash their hands when they eat."
3 He answered them, "And why do you break the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition?
4 For God commanded, 7'Honor your father and your mother,' and, 8'Whoever reviles father or mother must surely die.'
5 But you say, 'If anyone tells his father or his mother, "What you would have gained from me is given to God,"a
6 he need not honor his father.' So for the sake of your tradition you have 9made void the wordb of God.
7 10You hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy of you, when he said:
8 11"'This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me;
9 in vain do they worship me, teaching as 12doctrines the commandments of men.'"

La Biblia de las Américas (Español) BLA

Mateo 15:1 Entonces se acercaron<***> a Jesús algunos escribas y fariseos de Jerusalén, diciendo:

La Biblia del Jubileo 2000 JBS

Mateo 15:1 Entonces llegaron a Jesús ciertos escribas y fariseos de Jerusalén, diciendo

King James Version KJV

New King James Version NKJV

Matthew 15:1 Then the scribes and Pharisees who were from Jerusalem came to Jesus, saying,

Nueva Traducción Viviente NTV

Mateo 15:1 Jesús enseña acerca de la pureza interior
En ese momento, algunos fariseos y maestros de la ley religiosa llegaron desde Jerusalén para ver a Jesús.

Nueva Versión Internacional NVI

Mateo 15:1 Se acercaron a Jesús algunos fariseos y maestros de la ley que habían llegado de Jerusalén, y le preguntaron:

La Biblia Reina-Valera (Español) RVR

Mateo 15:1 ENTONCES llegaron á Jesús ciertos escribas y Fariseos de Jerusalem, diciendo:

Sagradas Escrituras (1569) (Español) SEV

Mateo 15:1 Entonces llegaron a Jesús ciertos escribas y fariseos de Jerusalén, diciendo:

Herramientas de Estudio para Matthew 15:1-9