17 So Jesus answered and said, "Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine?
18 Were there not any found who returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?"
19 And He said to him, "Arise, go your way. Your faith has made you well."
20 Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, "The kingdom of God does not come with observation;
21 nor will they say, 'See here!' or 'See there!' For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you."
22 Then He said to the disciples, "The days will come when you will desire to see one of the days of the Son of Man, and you will not see it.
23 And they will say to you, 'Look here!' or 'Look there!' Do not go after them or follow them.
24 For as the lightning that flashes out of one part under heaven shines to the other part under heaven, so also the Son of Man will be in His day.
25 But first He must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation.
26 And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man:
27 They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all.

La Biblia de las Américas (Español) BLA

Lucas 17:17 Respondiendo Jesús, dijo: ¿No fueron diez los que quedaron limpios? Y los otros nueve... ¿dónde están?

English Standard Version ESV

Luke 17:17 Then Jesus answered, "Were not ten cleansed? Where are the nine?

La Biblia del Jubileo 2000 JBS

Lucas 17:17 Y respondiendo Jesús, dijo: ¿No son diez los que fueron limpios? ¿Y los nueve dónde están

King James Version KJV

Nueva Traducción Viviente NTV

Lucas 17:17 Jesús preguntó:

Nueva Versión Internacional NVI

Lucas 17:17 —¿Acaso no quedaron limpios los diez? —preguntó Jesús—. ¿Dónde están los otros nueve?

La Biblia Reina-Valera (Español) RVR

Lucas 17:17 Y respondiendo Jesús, dijo: ¿No son diez los que fueron limpios? ¿Y los nueve dónde están?

Sagradas Escrituras (1569) (Español) SEV

Lucas 17:17 Y respondiendo Jesús, dijo: ¿No son diez los que fueron limpios? ¿Y los nueve dónde están ?

Herramientas de Estudio para Luke 17:17-27